A Percepção da Competência Interpessoal na Obtenção de Resultados
Relatos de Líderes e Liderados do Setor Jurídico
Managerial skills, Interpersonal skills, LeadershipAbstract
The Perception of Interpersonal Competence in Obtaining Results: Reports From Leaders and Followers in the Legal Sector
This article examines interpersonal competence as a relevant factor for achieving results, from the perspective of leaders and subordinates in the legal sector of a company in Fortaleza/CE. The research was conducted using a qualitative, exploratory-descriptive approach, through a single case study involving semi-structured interviews with 4 (four) leaders and 4 (four) subordinates. Data were analyzed using content analysis. The results indicate that interpersonal competence involves communication skills, empathy, respect, teamwork, commitment, problem-solving, among others. Interpersonal competence can contribute to improving relationships between leaders and subordinates, generating respect and trust among employees, facilitating results, and increasing leaders’ credibility. However, there was a discrepancy between the perception of leaders and subordinates regarding the quality of interpersonal relationships in the department: satisfactory for leaders and deficient for subordinates. Issues not addressed in the literature, such as internal communication and trust in delegation, reveal factors that impact problem resolution. Organizations aiming to achieve strategic objectives are advised to invest in the development of interpersonal competencies to overcome this gap, align expectations, and strengthen relationships to optimize results.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Silvia Letícia Ferreira da Silva, Jose Aurelio da Silva Junior, Pe. Joaquim Fernando Pontes III, Ana Paula Moreno Pinho, Suzete Suzana Rocha Pitombeira

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