As Práticas de Consumo de Lazer de Famílias com Crianças Autistas
Theories of practice, Autistic spectrum disorder, Transformative consumer research, LeisureAbstract
The Leisure Consumption Practices of Families with Autistic Children
This article analyzed how the elements of leisure consumption practice are configured among families and caregivers who live with autistic people. Through a virtual basic qualitative research, semi-structured field and self-report interviews were carried out. It was possible to identify elements that characterize the consumption practice of these people from the adaptation of materials as a result of the child’s disorder and guidance from professionals for the experience of leisure with the family. The lack of understanding of autism on the part of family members, the lack of public spaces to promote leisure for the support network and the fear of embarrassment in private spaces, manifested themselves as some of the barriers to the practice of leisure consumption. It is understood that there is a need for articulation between the public and private spheres in the provision of materials and skills to meet the needs of this population, especially with regard to leisure, since it is a habit that is not always practiced due to lack of suitable environment. This research indicates paths that can be followed so that there are more public policies and private initiatives consistent with the needs of the analyzed families.
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