Um Museu (Re)Mediado
A Experiência do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro na Plataforma Google Arts and Culture
museum, media, remediation, cultural heritage, digital platforms, Google Arts and Culture, focal objects and practicesAbstract
This article analyzes the case of the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro, destroyed by fire in 2018, for which a partnership project with Google made it possible to create an online virtual tour on the Google Arts and Culture platform. Firstly, the article proposes to think about the digitization of the museum as situated media as a process of remediation. Second, this text critically questions the viability of private digital platforms such as Google Arts and Culture as a remediation system for cultural heritage. We propose a critique of this process of virtual reconstitution, questioning technological solutionism and the political economy of digital platforms, in the particular instance of its application to solving the problems of preservation and communication of cultural heritage. We argue that this adaptation constitutes a limited instance of remediation, as it emphasizes the centrality of the platform, to the detriment of the experience of the museum. It is also limited to the presentation of the museum’s image and does not allow the creative and reinterpretative reading that characterizes the media-museum.
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