Pearls in the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of older adults' lived experiences in Ghana
Older adults, COVID-19 pandemic, Challenges, Coping mechanisms, ChildcareAbstract
This study investigates older Ghanaian adults' lived experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic along the trajectory of social, healthcare, childcare, self-care and humanitarian dimensions and how they navigated the effects thereof, utilizing interpretive methodology based qualitative dataset. The sample [n=10] was selected using purposive sampling technique. The paper finds that the current pandemic poses significant social challenges. The restrictions on human social movements has implications for social isolation. Social isolation can lead to loneliness and depression. Essentially, loneliness and long-term social distancing physiologically have the propensity to decrease the ability of an individual to fight infections and inflammations. In consequence, the study participants adopted a myriad of survival strategies such as social bonding with grandchildren, keeping busy, fending for and socialising children outside the traditional classroom environment and yet keeping them focused academically. These activities facilitate social interaction among older adults and children with implication for bridging the childcare gap that the closure of schools has brought about with some form of relief for working mothers. It also serves as an income generating avenue in disguise albeit meagre. In conclusion, more reflection on and the study of the social, psychological/emotional, self-care and childcare challenge dimensions of the pandemic is imperative.
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