Dove and the Deconstruction of Stereotypes: A Relationship of Symbiosis
Dove, advertising, symbolic power, gender stereotypes, misogynyAbstract
Advertising is not only the socio-cultural organization of market economies but is also a fundamental element for brands communication. This communication is not limited to the promotion of goods and services, as can be seen by its capacity to promote social representations, ideals and stereotyped concepts. Contemporary advertising is structured around the concept of Femvertising. The empowerment of the female gender and the representation of its diversity are presented through the deconstruction of stereotypes and the promotion of discussions around the several dimensions of women in society. This study aims to analyse in the light of Lawless and Chen’s (2019) Critical Thematic Analysis, how Dove integrates the deconstruction of stereotypes in the advertising campaign #ShowUs. The results suggest that the strategy is built on the presentation of beauty standards imposed by different societies and the deconstruction of the consequences associated with such historical, social, cultural and economic processes in the life of each girl and woman. If on one side, the promotion of a more responsible, inclusive and diversified representation should be a responsibility of the media and of the advertising, which is referred in the various advertisements, on the other side, Dove presents a product of the post-feminism which allows her maintaining a symbiosis relation with high levels of popularity.
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