The Journey of Travestis and Transgender Women in Constituting Themselves and Entering in Formal Work Positions




Transvestites, Transgender Women, Identities, Diversity, Work


The objective of this work was to analyze how the discursive constitution of female transgender identities influences their entry into the formal job market. Critical qualitative research was developed based on interviews with transvestites and transgender women (self-identified) who work or have worked in telemarketing services, located using a key informant and the snowball technique. The data were analyzed based on the relationships between text, discursive practice and social practice, based on definitions from Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). As a result of the work, it was possible to perceive that the work activity in telemarketing allows the voice to be detached from the body, which is erased and, thus, discriminatory social practices are also erased – momentarily and circumstantially. In this sense, the emancipatory proposal of claiming a voice outside these spaces would help eliminate the condition of latency of discrimination. The analysis also allowed reflection on how the constitution of transgender identities – in the criticism of what hierarchizes their bodies and lives as inferior – has also transformed society. The dialectic of this relationship highlights the fluidity of transgender identities and the aspects that made them inferior have been reinterpreted.

Author Biographies

Rafael Fernandes de Mesquita, IFPI, Instituto Federal do Piauí

Doctor of Business Administration from the Universidade Potiguar (UnP), Professor at Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Piauí (IFPI). E-mail:

Fátima Regina Ney Matos, Instituto Superior Miguel Torga

Doctor in Business Administration from the Federal University of Pernambuco (Recife/Brazil). Professor at the Miguel Torga Higher Institute (Coimbra/Portugal).E-mail:

Rafael Martins de Meneses, IFPI, Instituto Federal do Piauí

Master's student in the Professional Master's Program in Professional and Technological Education (PROFEPT- IFPI). E-mail:

Adriana Kirley Santiago Monteiro, UFPI

Master's student in the Master's Program in Public Management at the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI). E-mail:


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How to Cite

Fernandes de Mesquita, R., Regina Ney Matos, F., Martins de Meneses, R., & Kirley Santiago Monteiro, A. (2024). The Journey of Travestis and Transgender Women in Constituting Themselves and Entering in Formal Work Positions. Interações: Sociedade E As Novas Modernidades, (47), 11–37.


