Food Well-Being and Consumer Vulnerability of Allergic and/or Intolerant to Lactose and/or Gluten
Food wellbeing, Consumer vulnerability, Food allergy, Food intoleranceAbstract
The nutrition is crucial to life quality, however, for individuals with food allergies and intolerances, eating can represent a significant challenge, affecting their physical and mental well-being. This research aimed to analyze how food well-being and the experience of vulnerability of consumers allergic and/or intolerant to gluten and/or lactose are configured, considering experiences in restaurants and supermarkets. The study was carried out in the agreste region of the state of Pernambuco, in Brazil. With a qualitative approach, 12 individual and face-to-face interviews were conducted. The research results reveal several influences on eating behavior, including price and quality of products. In addition, they highlight the paramount importance of food wellbeing and the challenges faced by consumers with food intolerances and allergies, emphasizing the pressing need for policy approaches and food practices that promote safe and inclusive eating. Transformative measures are proposed to make establishments more inclusive for this group of consumers.
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