A Abordagem Psicanalítica do Tempo em Laplanche
Temporality, Time, Translation, Laplanche, PsychoanalysisAbstract
The psychoanalytic approach to time in Laplanche
In this article, we aim to present and discuss Jean Laplanche’s work on the concept of truly human temporality. To achieve this, we focus on his texts dedicated to this topic, namely Le temps et l’autre [Time and the other] (1991) and Temporalité et traduction : pour une remise au travail de la philosophie du temps [Temporality and translation: for a return to the question of the philosophy of time] (1989), both published in the book La révolution copernicienne inachevée, from 1992. Laplanche’s theoretical approach involves revisiting Freud’s theory of temporality. From this return point, Laplanche presents his thoughts and reflections on the subject of the temporality of human beings. Thus, we suggest that the insertion of the subject into its own temporality is only possible through the intervention of the other of the original situation, responsible for establishing the starting point of the translation processes. According to Laplanche, what enables the subject’s movement through time is primarily the dynamics of the translation, detranslation, and retranslation processes.Downloads
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