Socialização Organizacional
Uma Análise a Partir das Redes Sociais de uma Instituição Pública Municipal
Organizational socialization, Public service, Social networksAbstract
Organizational Socialization: An Analysis from the Social Networks of a Municipal Public Institution
This study aims to comprehend the role of relationship social networks in the organizational socialization process within a public institution. To achieve this, the research was conducted through a descriptive study, utilizing a qualitative approach, and employing a case study strategy. For data collection, 21 interviews were conducted, using a semi-structured questionnaire based on Hatmaker’s (2015) theoretical model of organizational socialization. The interview data were analyzed using Bardin’s (2008) content analysis. The results indicate a significant influence of relationships developed among employees on the outcomes of organizational socialization, such as learning and social integration within the researched institution. This study contributes to the understanding of relationship social networks and how they impact organizational socialization in institutions, while simultaneously delving into the joint study of both themes.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Danielle Abreu de Andrade Vieira, Tereza Cristina Batista de Lima, Andrea Leite Rodrigues, Rafaela de Almeida Araujo
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