Comunicação Interna e Cultura Organizacional
Revisão de Literatura
Internal communication, Organizational communication, Organizational culture, Literature reviewAbstract
Internal Communication and Organizational Culture: Literature Review
The aim of this study is based on the achievements of a systematic review of studies that investigated the relationship between internal communication and organizational culture. Internal communication concerns the communication produced and established between employees of an organization. In turn, an organizational culture refers to the identity of the company that is exposed by the way it establishes its business and treats its employees and stakeholders. The sample is made up of empirical studies, people with different positions and levels of education and even companies. Data collection was based on the analysis of case studies, questionnaires and interviews. The studies centered on the existing types of communication, with a focus on internal communication and its articulation with the organizational culture. The results of this analysis revealed that internal communication is directly related to organizational culture and that the best communication strategy is to transform employees into ambassadors for the organization. The main limitations of the study focus on the limited time space, between 2017 and 2022, and sample size. The value of this study is translated into a better perception of the investigated constructs and their relationship.
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