Frames COVID-19 no Estado de Emergência: análise dos editoriais de três jornais portugueses
COVID-19, State of emergency, Framing, Editorial, Público (newspaper), Visão (magazine), Reconquista (newspaper)Abstract
COVID-19 frames in the State of Emergency: analysis of the editorials of three Portuguese newspapers
This article analyses the editorials on COVID-19 published by three Portuguese media in order to understand how the topic is framed and perceived in public discourse. Being the editorial the journalistic genre that expresses the ideology of the newspaper, it can be shown that messages, interpretations and positions are assumed and put up for discussion in the public space.
The three media chosen were the national daily newspaper Público, the national weekly magazine Visão and a regional weekly magazine of Beira Baixa, Reconquista, all of which present generalist information. From Público and Visão, the printed and the online version were selected, and the print version from the regional, Christian inspired magazine Reconquista. Two review periods during the state of emergency were defined: March 2020 and January 2021, dates which correspond to the first and the second general lockdown. The corpus consists of 48 editorials, 30 from the first lockdown and 18 from the second, with 41 from Público, five from Visão and two from Reconquista.
The analysis shows that themes and frames change from the first to the second period, and that the mostly positive positions in March 2020 shifted to negative in January 2021, penalising failures in the political and health management of the pandemic.
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