A Cobertura Mediática da Morte de Ihor Homenyuk
O Caso do 'Expresso' e do 'Público'
Ukrainian, Pandemic, Mediatic coverage, Victim, SEFAbstract
The Mediatic Coverage of the Death of Ihor Homenyuk: The Case of Expresso and Público
The death of Ihor Homenyuk did not make the headlines of Portuguese newspapers. The pandemic was the central theme of the public space, which made the media agenda mainly monothematic (Lopes et al., 2021). In this way, the present study intends to focus on the coverage that two of the main reference national newspapers, Expresso and Público, made of the case in two key periods: March 28 to April 11, 2020, coinciding with the case going public, and September 26 to October 10, 2020, when the indictment was brought. The research was guided by the following questions: 1) What is the main focus on the actors involved in the crime?; 2) How was the Ukrainian citizen represented? and 3) How can the national reference press coverage of the case be described?. Through a quantitative analysis, complemented with a qualitative analysis of two representative pieces of the corpus, it was noticed that there was a decrease in media attention to the case, between both periods. Besides that, the press attempted to go beyond an episodic coverage, seeking to know who the Ukrainian citizen was, killed on the Lisbon airport, in March 2020.
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