O Jornalismo Ficcional da Franquia Transmedia de Harry Potter
Harry Potter, Transmedia, Journalism, JournalistsAbstract
The Fictional Journalism of the Transmedia Harry Potter Franchise
Journalism is an intrinsic part of the transmedia Harry Potter franchise in its multiple platforms, because fictional narratives need media inherent to their own universes to explain their logic, their practices and their institutions (Jenkins, 2009b). This article seeks to look, using concrete data, how journalism is constructed in inside Rowling’s narrative. Through content analysis (Bardin, 2006), we categorized the apparitions of journalism in the seven books, the eight movies and the interactive story and the Daily Prophet section of the old Pottermore site. Using the data obtained by this categorization, we intend to think about what this numbers indicate about the integration of journalism in the transmedia Harry Potter narrative, pointing out the intrinsic presence of the profession and of journalists in Rowling’s magical universe. We understand that the journalism created in the story establishes itself as an articulating element of the narrative, that integrates the composition logics and mimics part of the processes of the profession. The journalism becomes a way of entering the reality of the magical world — the mediator function of the profession is brought to fiction as way to access Harry Potter’s transmedia universe.
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