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Instructions for Authors

Interações publishes original works in Portuguese (variants from Portugal and Brazil), English, and Spanish.
Submissions must comply with the following standards:

Anonymity - The text must guarantee its anonymity and in no part of the document can there be any reference to the author;

Title - Concise and informative about the work. Texts written in a language other than English must also include a title in English;

Abstract - The abstract must have a maximum of 200 words. Texts written in a language other than English must include a summary in the original language and one in English;

Keywords - All texts (articles, reviews and critical essays) must have between 3 and 5 keywords in the original language in which they were written and also in English;

Bibliographical standards - The direct or indirect citations in the body of the text and the bibliographical references must follow the standard APA 7th edition (;

Quotations in another language - All quotes in a language other than the language of the text must be translated. In footnote, this reference can be placed but the original version of the translated text should not be presented;

Quotations - Direct quotes in texts are quoted when they are less than 40 words or prominently (with an indentation of 1.27 cm). They must follow the format (Almeida, 2017, p.12), (Almeida & Amaral, 2016). In the case of papers with more than three authors, the complete reference must first be presented (Almeida, Amaral, Barata, Daniel, & Vicente, 2018, pp. 101-102) and then the version et al. (Almeida, et al., 2018). The indirect citations follow the same system of reference but without a page and only in parentheses when the authors are not mentioned directly;

Font - Times New Roman, size 12, 2 spaces;

Dimension - Full papers must have a maximum of 30 pages or 60,000 characters including spaces, title, abstract, keywords, footnotes and bibliographical references. It includes the title, abstract and keywords in English, whenever the article is written in another language. Critical essays and reviews have a maximum of 8 pages or 16,000 characters including spaces, title, abstract, keywords and bibliographic references. It also includes the title, abstract and keywords in English, whenever the review or critical essay is written in another language;

Notes - Notes should be limited to the maximum, and should be numbered sequentially and presented in the footer and never at the end of the text;

Tables / Graphics / Images - Inserted in the text in the appropriate places;

Subtitles - Subtitles can be used to organise the text. Authors are free to number them if they so wish;

URL - All links listed must be active;

Bibliography - All authors referenced in the text must be included in the bibliography in the original version consulted.

Submission Conditions

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify compliance with the submission concerning all items listed below. Submissions that do not conform to the standards will be returned to the authors.

  1. The contribution is original and unpublished and is not under review or for publication by another journal. Otherwise, it must justify and indicate at the time of submission;
  2. The text does not include references to the authors;
  3. Submission files are in Microsoft Word format or RTF (provided they do not exceed 2MB);
  4. URLs for references are provided when available.
  5. The document is in double space; Times New Roman 12-point font; uses italic instead of underlining (except URL addresses); the images, graphs and tables are in the body of the text and not at the end of the document in the form of attachments;
  6. The text follows the rules described in Instructions for Authors;
  7. The text has title, abstract and keywords in the original language and in English.

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The publication of an article does not imply the assignment of the copyright to Interações.

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