Editorial Ethics

The Journal Interações is a peer-reviewed publication committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards and best practices in scientific publishing. All parties involved, including the Director, Editorial Board, Editorial Committee, reviewers, and authors, must comply with the principles of integrity, honesty, and respect. In order to ensure that all processes leading to the publication of its issues are transparent and fair, the Journal Interações adopts the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Responsibilities of the Director and Editorial Committee

  • Determine which articles, essays, and book reviews should be sent to reviewers;
  • Accept, reject, or request modifications after receiving feedback from reviewers;
  • Ensure that articles, essays, and book reviews are evaluate only on their academic merit;
  • Ensure appropriate selection of reviewers;
  • Ensure that the scientific peer-review process is confidential and impartial;
  • Adopt appropriate response measures to complaints regarding submitted or published articles, essays, and book reviews.

Responsibilities of the Authors

  • Ensure the originality, authorship and the research integrity the submitted work;
  • Ensure that the submitted article, essay, or review has not been simultaneously submitted to any other publication;
  • Certify that the submitted article, essay, or review has not been published elsewhere;
  • Disclose sources of financial support and any potential conflicts of interest that may influence the presented results;
  • Ensure that all sources used have been properly credited and disclosed;

Responsibilities of the Reviewers

  • Assess articles, essays, and book reviews objectively and impartially;
  • Maintain the confidentiality of all information contained in the submitted works;
  • Notify the Director if the review cannot be completed within the stipulated timeframe;
  • Decline to review articles, essays, and reviews that involve any type of personal conflict of interest;
  • Inform the Director in case of detecting copyright infringement and/or plagiarism.