The Reception of 'Capital in the Twenty-First Century' by Thomas Piketty
The Impact of Ideas on Portuguese Media
Framing, Público (Newspaper), Observador (Newspaper), Jornal de Negócios (Newspaper), Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Thomas PikettyAbstract
This article utilises Erving Goffman’s concept of framing and its transposition to journalism by Gaye Tuchman to analyse the reception of the work Capital in the Twenty-First Century by the French economist Thomas Piketty in Portugal. Published in October 2014, the work was the subject of a case study that assessed the impact of its ideas on Portuguese media.
The study encompassed publications about the work and Piketty in the general newspapers Observador and Público, as well as the specialised Jornal de Negócios. Observador was analysed solely on its digital platform, while the other two media were studied in both their digital and print editions.
The analysis corpus included 183 publications, comprising news articles and opinion pieces, dated from 2 January 2014 to 30 October 2020. Using an analytical grid and quantitative and qualitative methodologies, different framings of the topics addressed were identified, influenced by the editorial and organisational profiles of each media outlet. The corporate and editorial structures influenced the number of published pieces, their length, content, focus, journalistic genres used, relevance assigned to the issues, thematic framings, distribution in sections, and the use of multimedia resources.
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