Caso Dominic Ongwen no Tribunal Penal Internacional ou Quando o Réu, em Verdade, é Também Vítima




Dominic Ongwen, International Criminal Court, Judgment, Selectivity, Verdict


Dominic Ongwen Case at the International Criminal Court or When the Defendant, in Actuality, is Also a Victim

The theme of the research is to deal with the Dominic Ongwen Case at the International Criminal Court. The research has the problem of criticizing the ICC’s sentence as selective, finding that the past of violence suffered by the defendant was not properly considered in the analysis of guilt for the crimes attributed to him before the international court. This is exploratory, qualitative research, using bibliographic resources and a dialectical method, using a concrete case. Therefore, it was noted that, in these regions, children are abruptly removed from their families and taken by groups to be trained with cruelty to handle weapons, loot warehouses, kill civilians, terrorize communities and are forced to use drugs. The ICC created by the United Nations (UN), based in The Hague, is the world’s first permanent international court to prosecute some of the most heinous crimes, including genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. This demonstrates that international defense organizations seek, with stricter laws, to stop this practice, but there is still a long way to go to achieve the special objective of the full protection of children. This is exploratory, qualitative research, using bibliographic resources and a dialectical method, using a concrete case.

Author Biography

Ivanez Pinheiro Prestes, Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro

Graduated in Executive Secretariat - Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás (2005), Graduated in Business Administration - Federal University of Roraima (2010), Graduated in Law - Higher Education Cathedral Faculties (2015), Master's Degree - Fernando Pessoa University - Oporto - Portugal (2019). Student of Doctorate in Derecho - University of the State of Rio de Janeiro. She is currently a lawyer - Orden de Abogados de Brasil y Asesora Jurídica del Ministerio Público de Cuentas de Roraima.


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How to Cite

Pinheiro Prestes, I., & Hogemann, E. R. (2024). Caso Dominic Ongwen no Tribunal Penal Internacional ou Quando o Réu, em Verdade, é Também Vítima. Interações: Sociedade E As Novas Modernidades, (46), 131–152.


