A Desinformação como Instrumento de Dominação Capitalista
Capitalism, Disinformation, Digital PlatformsAbstract
Disinformation as a Tool of Capitalist Domination
This article examines the intersection between capitalism, digital technology, and the spread of misinformation. It highlights how large corporations, especially technology companies, use algorithms and massive data collection to promote their commercial and political interests. Authors such as Chomsky e Herman (2002), Schiller (1991), Klein (2000), McChesney (2013) and Vaidhyanathan (2021) offer insights into how mass media, digital social networks, and algorithms contribute to perpetuating a dominant ideological view. The dynamics of power in the digital age are analyzed, showing how digital platforms reproduce and amplify social inequalities. Furthermore, misinformation is highlighted as a tool serving capitalist interests, demonstrating how algorithmic manipulation of data and audience segmentation are used to direct misinformation campaigns.
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