The “Uses of Anger” on Social Media: Black Feminism in the Digital Environment in Portugal
Análise dos Perfis de Instagram @quotidianodeumanegra e @umafricana
Black feminism, Social media, Intersectionality, InstagramAbstract
Black Feminism in the Digital Environment in Portugal: Analysis of the Instagram Profiles @quotidianodeumanegra and @umafricana
Feminisms have taken different forms, raised different themes, and covered various stages. We live in a historical period where digital media play an important role: women have found new spaces for empowerment, resistance, and participation, in the most diverse areas. If black feminisms and the people who for centuries waged national struggles in demands for gender and racial equality remain in the shadow of invisibility, on the other hand, a new generation of activists has made strong use of social networks to trigger the possibility of the existence of a new black feminist wave in Portugal. This research aims to analyze black feminisms in Portugal at their confluence with social networks, raising the research question that guided this study: What are the main demands of black feminism in Portugal through the profiles @quotidianodeumanegra and @umafricana? Therefore, we propose to analyze publications on two pages on the social network Instagram by people who are dedicated to sharing content related to the topic that concerns us here. To this end, critical thematic analysis was methodologically used, as stated by Lawless and Chen (2019), also combining a critical and feminist approach inspired by intersectionality as a critical method defined by Collins (2019).
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