Pessoas Transgênero e as Pesquisas no Campo da Administração
Transgender people, Bibliometric analysis, Organizational studiesAbstract
Transgender People and Research in the Field of Management
This work aimed to elucidate the evolution of the main works published in the Web of ScienceTM database on transgender people and research in the field of administration, pointing out the gaps and main trends in research, through a bibliometric analysis. As a methodological approach, a bibliometric analysis of a descriptive nature was carried out, with quantitative techniques for evaluating production and dissemination metrics of current academic literature, based on the definition of the research axis: transgender people and Administration. The bibliometric study carried out presented a total of 72 documents, with the United States being the country leading research in the area. The analysis revealed that the topic presents slow evolution, being frequently related to other minorities. Regarding the interpretation of the content of the most cited papers, it is unusual to find studies that deal with the experiences of transgender people from a positive perspective. Studies on the discrimination suffered by transgender people are more frequent, but the factors that contribute to this scenario, as well as the mechanisms for coping with it, still require further discussion. It is concluded that studies in the field of administration, although they are showing increasing interest in addressing gender diversity and the identities that make up the LGBT+ acronym, still do not present a sufficient base of evidence that specifically addresses the issue of transgender individuals.
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