Por onde anda o Cronista?
Explorando a Crónica Narrativa em Diários de Referência
'Crónica', Genres, Press, PortugalAbstract
Where does the Columnist go by?
Exploring Narrative Crónica in Portuguese Quality Newspapers
A traditional genre within the Portuguese press, research about the crónica has not produced systematic empirical evidence on its expansion or decrease in the latest decades, on which have been its trends and changes, and on what are the shares between its opinion and narration variants. This article explores this genre’s path in quality newspapers through a longitudinal analysis of Diário de Lisboa and Público, in which a sample of 378 texts published between 1959 and 2019 is analysed. The analysis focuses mainly on the narrative pole, epistemologically interesting for its unique potential in journalism. The results point to a growing codification of this genre, and, despite a frequent hybridization between narration and commentary, to the actual hegemony of opinion in the field of crónica. Among the texts authored by journalists, there is a decrease in the percentage of texts dominated by a narrative, as well as the in reports based on direct observation of everyday life.
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