Desde Aquele Dia em que Deixei de Ser Tua: O Roteiro Cinematográfico de Autorrepresentação como Processo de Cura
women's cinema, postcolonial cinema, poetics cinemaAbstract
Since That Day when I was No Longer Yours: The Film Script of Self-representation as a Healing Process
"Since That Day when I was No Longer Yours: The film script of self-representation as a healing process" is a long-feature scripted project presented as a partial prerequisite of the Doctoral Thesis Project in Media Arts. In the context of the research project "SPECULUM: Filming and looking at oneself in the mirror: the use of self- writing by Portuguese-speaking documentary filmmakers" (FCT: EXPL/ART-CRT/0231/2021), it intends to elaborate a historicity of the trajectory experienced by its protagonist in the past, present and future. Methodologically, it is constructed as to find, in the author’s individual experience, an approximation to the ordinary stories experienced by other women in their daily lives, both in the public and private spheres. Associating artistic creation with the scientific research that a PhD requires, we will present the theoretical and artistic-conceptual references that support the aesthetic and formal structuring of the work. Finally, the Thesis Project also reflects on the woman who frees herself from the submission of the female body to the logic of patriarchy and Western capitalism. It reveals a transformation process, triggered by a separation and by relearning to be a woman, individually and subjectively,, as a counterpoint to the socially imposed being a woman.
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