O Cérebro Social: Compreendendo o Cérebro como um Orgão Social


  • Ana Vasconcelos Instituto Superior Miguel Torga


Social brain, Complex thought, Intersubjectivity, Adaptability, Afect


The Social Brain: Understanding the Brain as a Social Organ

The brain is a social organ in the sense that, by its capabilities to adapt, it develops to connect with other brains and to learn with them is happens through emotionally and a ectively meaningful interpersonal relations, allowing inter-subjective communication and the development of human complex thought. Adaptability is thus approached from the research on the functioning of neural networks and neural plasticity, considering that these competencies are not intrinsically different, if compared to the early days of human socialization, grounded on affectivity relations and social intersubjectivity, and preparing human beings to live life productively with themselves and others, given that the life of the brain is the brain of social life.


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Author Biography

Ana Vasconcelos, Instituto Superior Miguel Torga



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How to Cite

Vasconcelos, A. (2017). O Cérebro Social: Compreendendo o Cérebro como um Orgão Social. Interações: Sociedade E As Novas Modernidades, (32). Retrieved from https://interacoes-ismt.com/index.php/revista/article/view/398


